7 Mile Run in the Albany Pine Bush
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
From mid-October to March, the bulk of my running is by necessity after dark. Last year that meant most of my running in the fall and winter months was over in the Pine Bush, since that's one of the few places where I can legally run the trails after dark. Since I've added some pavement running this year, I may manage a bit more variety this season.
Tonight was the first night run of the season. Sometimes running at night can be almost magical, as I chase my bubble of light down the trail. Sometimes it can be both exciting and unnerving, like last year when I heard the coyotes howling. Tonight was a little of both, as I made my way along the darkened trails and caught glimpses of glowing eyes off in the darkness (deer, mostly, though there was one pair that seemed a bit too low to the ground to be deer.)
The run started well - a number of minor aches, but at times during the first hour it almost felt like a run from before my crash. Then reality set in and my right hip did its best to seize up, eventually slowing me to a painful shuffle for the last 20 minutes or so.
Still, a run is a run, and being out in the woods beats sitting at home!
Even in the dark season...