Monday, February 05, 2007

Monday, February 5, 2007

Word just came down that there are four snowshoe races this weekend - two Saturday and two Sunday. Mostly ones I wasn't planning to go to, but... Woodford has been rescheduled to this Saturday, when I have to be in Utica for an AMAI staff meeting. Grrrr.

The first snowshoe race I ran last year was Woodford, and I was really looking forward to doing it again this year and both seeing what kind of progress I've made and seeing the course again. Oh, well. So it goes.

Hopefully we will have good conditions for races the following weekend, when I will be in town... though I guess regardless I can't complain, since this year I've already been in more actual snowshoe races than last year (three so far, compared to a total of two last year, with two more run as trail races.)

At least it looks like it will be a good snowshoeing weekend for some of the local "snowshoe enthusiasts"...