Friday, September 21, 2007

6.5 Mile Run in the Albany Pine Bush
Friday, September 21, 2007

After five days of no running, it felt great to be out in the woods again! My legs are still feeling some of the aftereffects of Sunday's marathon, but I still had a pretty good run (other than catching my foot on a fallen branch at one point and taking a fall on the path... at least it was nice soft dirt.) I haven't been on the Columbia Circle trails in ages... I think the last time was early in the summer, on my ATB.

Ran to the top of blueberry hill west twice, and had gorgeous views of the setting sun and the Heldebergs off in the distance. The second time I ran down from the top, I could feel the temperature drop down in the hollow below the hill and could see the moisture in the air condensing into mist...

Paths were getting a bit dark for the last mile or so... a reminder that soon my trail runs will mostly be in the dark, by the light of my headlamp... fall is here!