Friday, November 23, 2007

A Bit O' Training
Friday, November 23, 2007

Motivated in part by the fact that one of the other instructors from Albany was out in Rochester this weekend visiting family, Ann arranged for a bunch of us to take over the meeting room at one of the Chili Fire Stations this evening to get in a little training.

I spent the first part of the session working on two of my newer katas (which Master Hillicoss had helped me with after things wound down Wednesday night) - a Korean form called Cheonkwon, and a Goju-Ryu kata called Gekisai. For an idea of what they're supposed to look like, try the following video links, which may take quite a while to load over a dialup connection!

Cheonkwon video (mpg)
Gekisai video (Flash 8)

I jumped in with the other folks when they got to some of the higher level katas, and we bounced around between doing them and Ann and I answering questions and helping them with different aspects of some katas we've been doing for a few years now. By the time that was done it was getting late, so we reviewed a few techniques that were introduced to our curriculum in the last two years and then headed out into the cold clear night... and home to a late dinner!