Sunday, December 30, 2007

Blogger Strikes Again...
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Tonight I sit down, create a new header image exactly the same size as the one I've been using, and upload it... only to find it displayed at a size significantly smaller than a postage stamp.


So it's back to the mis-sized title image, until Blogger either fixes whatever went wrong with my image upload tonight or I find out how to fix it for my own blog...

UPDATE: after a little research I found a fairly easy modification for my template which fixed the problem for now... and I'm back to Blogger's header in the process. Thanks to Blogstar Vin for his fix, which I found here at the Dummies Guide to Google Blogger Beta.

UPDATE#2: it also looks like whatever was wrong with the photo loading has been fixed as well. For a free service, Blogger is pretty darn awesome sometimes!