Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Hurray, It's Not My Fault!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Unfortunately, the followup to that is "crud, now I have to figure out how to fix it".

I checked the Blogspot help boards today and found a mountain of posts regarding messed up header images. Apparently, the nice people at Blogspot decided to change the headers so that pictures are automatically cropped and resized, resulting in numerous irate bloggers. If you have far too much free time on your hands and are curious, this is a good place to start reading the venomous posts, from folks who are much angrier about this than I am. (I just find it irritating.)

One of the posts mentions an article on making customized headers... I may try that out if Blogspot doesn't get their act in gear and fix the problem themselves.

But at least it isn't anything I did!

UPDATE#1: I made the changes to the code for my template as suggested in the article, and - it works! My blog header is back to the way I like it! The image is no longer clickable, but I rarely used that feature in any case.

UPDATE#2: Apparently the folks at Blogspot are working on a fix for the problem - which hopefully will not affect me at all, since I seem to have resolved the problem with my own blog.