Thursday, February 21, 2008
OK, I'm committed to a crazy weekend of snowshoe races - I even booked a room in West Springfield, MA to save myself some driving.
Saturday morning is the Covered Bridge snowshoe race (aka the race previously referred to as the Mount Greylock Winter Death March.) In previous years this was a 3.5mi race with an option to extend it into a longer 8 mi race... looks like this year there's just one option, 4 miles. While I was looking forward to longer race to push myself (and help me prepare for the Pittsfield Snowshoe Half Marathon on March 8) given the schedule this weekend I'm not complaining!
Saturday evening is the inaugural running of the Kingman Farm Moonlight 5k snowshoe race in southeastern NH... yup, a race run at night! Since I usually run at night with a headlamp it won't be that unusual for me... but this will be the first time I've run a race at night. Despite an insane amount of driving, it should be interesting and fun.
Sunday morning I'm back in western MA, at the Moody Spring 5-6 mi snowshoe race... originally scheduled for last weekend, it was moved to this one because conditions were too ripe for someone to break an ankle (semi-deep snow with a thick icy crust.) If we do the 6 mile course, this will be the longest race I've done this season... and still only half of what I'm facing in about two weeks up in Vermont! Yikes!