11.9 Mile Ride Along the Mohawk Hudson Bike Path
Monday, May 12, 2008
I had originally planned to go for a run but my stomach didn't feel totally up to it, so I ended up taking the Dawes out to the bike path for a short ride. One plus to actually getting out there while it was still light out - I was able to check out the possible beaver dam in the swampy stream next to the path, and it does indeed look like a beaver dam. There's even a large structure behind it that could be a lodge. So unless the muskrats have taken a note from the beavers' book - go beavers go beavers go!
Rode out to the base of the big hill up the side of the old and spent a few minutes watching the swallows that were perched on the wires overhead. Then I headed back the other way, turning around at the entrance to the water treatment plant. When I got back to the park I stood on the deck of the old railway station for a while... watched some muskrats swimming and listened to the birds and peepers calling. It was a bit chilly, so no bats tonight, more's the pity.