Friday, August 01, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

Last August I remember seeing fairly numerous egrets on both the Mohawk and Genesee Rivers... so I've been a bit concerned that I haven't seen any so far this summer. But tonight on my way back to Albany I passed a swampy pond on the edge of the Monroe County Community College campuis and saw not one but three egrets there. It was almost enough to get me to pull off the highway, navigate through the MCCC campus, and see if I could get some pictures of them... but it was getting late in the day, and tomorrow morning is an early one, since I need to be at the People's State Forest in Barkhamsted, CT, by around 8:30 for the annual 7 mile trail race there...

The Thruway may be the quickest route across the state, but sometimes it can be very unsatisfying... later during the drive I spotted several hawks perched alongside the road and a heron as well... but on the highway there's really no option to pull over to watch them further or try to take some photos. Oh, well, I guess that's the tradeoff for speed and convenience.