Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I had planned to go to New Hampshore to run the Pisgah 23k trail race tomorrow... but as the end of the week approached it became more and more clear that trip just was not meant to be... between being pretty tired from a busy week and the forecast of possible rain tomorrow, I just couldn't muster up much enthusiasm to make a 5 hour round trip drive to stagger around in the woods in the rain for 4+ hours.

Right now I'm planning to head down to Olana for the Barry Hopkins Run - a 3.8 time prediction run or 7.6 mile race on the carriage trails and roads of the Historic Site (I'm looking at running the longer distance.) After that I'm hoping to go a little bit further south and run some trails at the Tivoli Bays WMA.

Of course, that could all change depending on how I feel in the morning...