6.7 Mile Run Along the Mohawk Hudson Bike Path
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A late start tonight, and uncertain weather, warm and humid with a cold front blowing in and dragging a storm along with it. Given that there was a very loud crqack of thunder just as I left my car to head off down the path, I didn't know what to expect... as it turned out, the evening was uneventful.
Legs felt tired, I suspect in part from all the climbing and descending I did yesterday. Thankfully the section of bike path I ran was fairly flat.
The heron was once again hanging out at the Niskayuna Lions Park canoe/kayak launch... he seems to like it there. When I passed through the Lock 7 parking area, there was another heron standing on the edge of the dock that projects out from the boat launch there... would have been a neat picture, if I'd had my camera and if it was still light enough to get a decent shot (that last part's debatable.)
I'll probably end up taking tomorrow night off, since I have open house at work, but maybe I can get in a short run after class Friday night. Have to wait and see how the legs are feeling.