Sunday, November 30, 2008

10.6 Mile Ride Along the Mohawk Hudson Bike Path
Sunday, November 30, 3008

At least, it was snow for a while... until it turned to rain, fortunately after I'd finished my ride.

Had I known I'd be riding during a snowstorm I would have used my mountain bike instead of my road bike... but really it wasn't that big a deal. Even after over an hour only half an inch or so of snow built up on the path, which just meant I rode slower and was really careful whenever I stopped or had to make any sort of turn. Not too many other folks out, and I suspect those that were (all walking) probably thought I was crazy to be out pedaling. I of course thought it was pretty cool... at least when ice crystals weren't blowing into my eyes (they sting like the dickens.)

Apparently the Canal Corporation has lowered the water levels for the winter - lots of exposed areas on the river that were under water only a week or so ago. The gulls and ducks seemed to appreciate it. Saw three herons hunkered down along the shore... well, two hunkered down and one hunting. And I'm even pretty sure I saw a bluebird... couldn't tell at the time, but that's sure what the photos I took look like.

So not as long a ride as I'd planned, and certainly not a tough workout... but a fun time all the same.