Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gail's Trail Run - DNS
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Got up at 4 AM to get ready for a 5:30 departure and a 2 1/2 hour drive down to Cross River for the 5th Annual Gail's Trail Run, a December running of the Leatherman's Loop course put on by Team Mossman as a fundraiser for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network in memory of a team member who died of pancreatic cancer a number of years ago. Last night I had also planned out several possibilities for hikes to do after the run, all at parks I've never visited before.

And as I was standing in the shower I realized that I had no enthusiasm for spending 5+ hours driving today and before my shower was over decided to stay home and do something around here (run or ride) instead.

Truly, this is my Year of the DNS ("Did Not Start")

Still, I think it was the right choice... I'm a bit bummed to miss the run (especially since I'm not likely to run Leatherman's next spring and it's a fun course) but I suspect that my pleasure at having done it would have been mildly tainted by feeling I could have better spent all those hours in the car more productively close to home... even if just to get some extra sleep and try to make up a bit for a distinct lack of that in my life lately.