Saturday, March 14, 2009

4.6 Mile Run in the Albany Pine Bush
Saturday, March 14, 2009

A short run, but then I did run a 4 mile snowshoe race up and down Northfield Mountain this morning...

Since I wanted to get in a few more realtively easy miles, I headed over to Rensselaer Lake Park and ran the trails around the lake and into the Pine Bush. Today was another gorgeous sunny day, warm enough to run in shorts and a shirt. I'm definitely looking forward to these days outnumbering the cold ones...

There were a decent number of limbs down in the park, but the Pine Bush trails were mostly clear. It felt good to be out on the trails again... that section of the Pine Bush always brings back memories of the 2005 Dodge the Deer 5k, the first race I did when I got back to running regularly again.

Left the cameras at home because I wanted to concentrate on running, so of course right after I got out of the car I saw a pair of nuthatches looking for food. Over by the lake I spent a little while watching the antics of a group of mallards... they're good in the water, but pretty comical hustling across the ice... guess I should have brought a camera after all.