Saturday, March 07, 2009

8.7 Mile Run Along the Mohawk Hudson Bike Path & River Rd
Saturday, March 7, 2009

A great day for a run... even had some bits of sunshine for part of the time! And best of all - no tights! I have to admit, I'm looking forward to getting outdoors in warmer weather...

Planned on an easy run, about 6-7 miles, along the bike path in Niskayuna... ran the Gerbil Wheel section over to Lock 7, and then along the path from Lock 7 to the base of the old landfill (which was all iced over, but runnable.) Headed up the hill planning to turn around at the top and retrace my steps back to the car, and ended up instead heading out to River Road and running along the roads back to the point where the bike path crosses Lock 7 Road. That ended up being both longer than I had originally intended and contrary to what I remembered from the one or two times I biked that route, the road from Blatnick Park to just before the intersection was mostly uphill!

Along the way I saw more than a few birds, including a pair of hawks... pretty cool. Lots of evidence of the beavers in the wetlands along the bike path... maybe I'll get lucky and actually see them this year.