Friday, June 26, 2009

Knee Update... Of Sorts
Friday, June 26, 2009

It feels slightly better than yesterday (very slightly) but I'm still hobbling around pretty slowly.

Apparently they had a very good turnout at Forge the Gorgeous last night... I'm bummed I missed it. Maybe my knee will be in good enough shape that I can stop on the way back on Monday and at least walk the gorge path and see all the waterfalls.

The decision deadline for the Finger Lakes 50k is Wednesday morning... that's when I definitely have to decide whether or not to cancel my luxurious room at the Cortland Econolodge. I'm trying to remain optimistic but at the same time... realistically it seems unlikely this will heal up enough in a week for me to subject it to 31 miles on the trails. But we'll see how the weekend goes before I make a definite decision. Either way I'll still be making a trip to race HQ... I paid extra for a 2009 race shirt and by golly I'm going to go get that sucker.