5 Mile Run in the Albany Pine Bush
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
After two weeks of no running it was time to see how my knee would hold up... so I did a very slow 5 miles over in the Blueberry Hills/Kaikout Kill Barrens sections of the Pine Bush this evening. The knee brace was annoying and no great surprise sometimes the knee hurt... actually, sometimes my either knee grumbled too, probably because I overwork my right leg to go easy on my left right now.
I hadn't planned to do the loop through the Kaikout Kill Barrens but when I got to the trailhead it looked like the trail had been cleared recently (the last time I ran it the brambles were doing their usual summer takeover)so I took a chance and was glad I did.
As I crossed the top of the tallest dune in Blueberry Hill West a lone cloud overhead started dropping some very light rain - actually quite refreshing, and I always find it amusing to run in the rain on a sunny day. Plus, as I made my way down the hill, the sun and light rain combined to create a gorgeous full rainbow behind me... needless to say I spent a while getting photos of it!
All in all it was a good evening to be out, and it felt good to be running again, even if it was pretty slow going... now I just have to see how the knee feels tomorrow to determine whether I get to keep running or go back to only walking and riding for a while longer.