Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bummer... No Tannahill Weavers for Me
Saturday, February 26, 2011

I got very excited when I found out in mid-December that the Tannahill Weavers would be playing at Cafe Lena in Saratoga tonight... I've been listening to their music since I was in college but have never had the opportunity to hear them live. At the time it seemed do-able... a snowshoe race in Northfield Saturday morning, concert in Saratoga Springs Saturday night, and then another snowshoe race in West Hawley Sunday morning. But today it became more and more obvious that going to the concert just wasn't going to work... it would leave me with very little time after getting home for Northfield and I'm tired enough that getting home around 11 tonight when I have to be up early tomorrow morning just doesn't seem like a good plan.

I'll just have to hope for another opportunity to hear them live in the future...