Tuesday, April 19, 2011

No Dunn Memorial Bridge Falcon Cam in 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Went to the DEC website to check on whether or not the falcons that nest under the Dunn Memorial Bridge have returned and instead found a long explanation that, due to extremely important work needed to keep the bridge safe, the falcon cam will not be operating in 2011 (and possibly 2012.) The DOT in conjunction with the DEC has installed sight baffles to try to keep the falcons isolated from the workers, but it really isn't clear if the falcons will successfully nest there this year, in light of the construction. Obviously the work needs to be done, but this is still disappointing news - I've enjoyed checking the cam images over the past few years, and it's reassuring to see such a beautiful species coming back from the brink of extinction.