It's The Little Things...
Saturday, September 24, 2011
... that really get to me at the moment.
For the first time in 22 years - I'm the only one who needs to be fed when I get up in the morning.
I can walk out of the bedroom without stumbling over someone darting between my legs.
The constant background "drip... drip... drip" of the bathroom faucet (someone's preferred source of drinking water) is gone.
I can sit all the way back in my chair at the computer without squashing a furry body.
I can get up off the couch and still have a place to sit when I come back.
I can leave the front door open when I'm bringing stuff in and taking stuff out.
The apartment is seems a whole lot emptier. Last night before my run I was tempted to cancel my trip south to run the Sloppy Cuckoo Trail Half Marathon - but now I'd say it's for the best that I'm spending time this weekend in NJ and PA instead of Albany.