Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Monday, January 30, 2012

I can't claim to be a fan of Albany much of the time (not that it's personal - I'm not a fan of any city!) so it always pleases me to see wildlife around here. Today had three moments that made me smile -

  • As I got out of my car to go into work, I heard geese, looked up, and saw a small group circling the school, probably just before landing out on the playing fields - I saw them out there several days last week munching on the grass. Perhaps I'll actually get a picture of them sometime this week (if they keep coming around.)

  • Heading toward the door, I heard something in the trees nearby and watched two squirrels chasing each other around the tree while another one looked on.

  • While walking back to work this evening for a late meeting, I saw the local crows heading for wherever they roosted last night... hundreds and hundreds of crows flying against the dark blue of the dusk sky. I imagine they are really annoying to the people who live near where they roost - but it was an impressive, beautiful sight to see them flying last night.