Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday, February 22, 2013

A few weeks ago I spent far too much time over three days trying to retrieve my e-mail archive after Juno crashed and somehow corrupted the database. While I was researching possible methods of retrieving my mail, I also came across a fairly detailed description of how another longtime Juno user (I've been on Juno since sometime around the mid-1990's) finally grew frustrated with the glitches in the Juno software and switched his Juno account over to Thunderbird. (And yes, when my version crashed, it did exactly what he describes - put 45000+ e-mails in one folder.)

On and off I've been organizing my recovered Juno mail into folders, deleting a lot of stuff I'll never need to look at again - and tonight I took the giant step and ported everything over to Thunderbird. After a few stutters and stumbles - mission accomplished, and in the end it was even easier than described (probably due to improvements to Thunderbird in the 3+ years since the article was written.) Now all that's left is to transfer my address book (a minor task) and tweak Thunderbird so it's doing things the way I want it too, or as close as I can get.

After all this time, it's more than a bit strange to not be using the Juno software anymore. In the end, though, I think I'm going to find that a good thing.