Saturday, June 22, 2013

14.9 Mile Ride on the Mohawk Hudson Bike Path
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Took the bike over to the path west of Schenectady today for some easy riding to get a feel for how my knee would react. In a nutshell, it was slower going than most rides lately (10 mph instead of 12 mph) and it's good I didn't have any major hills to climb. Knee was pretty stiff to start but loosened up by about halfway through the ride.

Heading back to the car from SCCC I spotted a tiny baby snapping turtle on the bike path.

Based on the direction he was facing, it looked like he was heading for the highway, so I gave him a ride to a more turtle-friendly location - a section of the old Erie Canal on the western side of Rotterdam Junction. He was pretty quite for the half-mile or so on the bike, but by the time we got to the canal he was pretty active in trying to get out of the box I'd placed him in. Then he quieted down again when I placed him at the water's edge, but as soon as I turned my back - swoosh, he was gone.