Wednesday, November 25, 2015

10 Mile Ride on the Mohawk Hudson Bike Path
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Another very chilly day. Headed west past Lock 7 and then up the hill along the old landfill... climbing that was tough enough that I turned around shortly after that. Stopped for a little bit at Blatnick Park to look at the several hundred geese that were crowded around the little pond there, then it was back down the hill and fighting the wind all the way back to the car. I had originally planned to ride more today, but between the wind, the chill, and wanting to get home so I can get stuff together and get on the road before it gets too late - I decided to wrap things up early.

The new freewheel is definitely working well, but the bike still feels sluggish. I think the next thing to try is regreasing the wheel bearings... I didn't do that this year, so they're definitely overdue.