Sunday, November 22, 2015

12.4 Mile Ride on the Zim Smith Trail
7.2 Mile Ride on the Ballston Bike Hike Trail
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Today was an even tougher ride than yesterday. Started out with at best hazy sunshine and that soon turned into mostly grey... not very motivational. The ride out of Shenantaha Creek Park toward Round Lake wasn't too bad, but that was mostly because it's pretty much all downhill.

Of course, that means uphill all the way back, and to add insult to injury - a headwind. Once I got back to the park it was very easy to convince myself to skip the Zim Smith trail in the opposite direction - pedaling three miles uphill into the wind held no appeal - and instead I drove over to the parking area at the north end of Ballston Lake and rode the bike-hike trail. It was still tough going, but at least the wind wasn't quite so direct, and it seemed to be more at my back on the way back.

Tomorrow, I think, will be a day off from the bike.