Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Frustrating Week...
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Woke up Tuesday morning and was clearly fighting a cold... which then proceeded to mildly kick my butt all week. It was just enough to make life unpleasant, but not enough to justify waking a day off to stay in bed, especially since we had a short school week as it was. So no running or riding all week... bleah.

Today I was set to get out for a run... and then my guts decided to let me know they were unhappy as I was getting ready at the trailhead. Faced with the likelihood of making an unpleasant pit stop out in the Pine Bush, I decided instead to head home, where I could at least have an mildly unhappy GI system in relative comfort.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day, and I'll be able to get out for a ride, a run, or maybe even both...