One of THOSE Days...
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Despite having slept well when the alarm went off at 4 AM (I needed to leave by 5:30 to get to Tenafly, NJ, in plenty of time) I couldn't muster up much enthusiasm for the travel, so I went back to bed instead of heading south to the Lost Brook trail race... didn't sleep all that much more, so I probably should have just sucked it up and gone.
This afternoon was an example of really bad timing... left the house with temperatures in the low 50's, but by the time I got to Shenantaha Park, I passed through several rain squalls, the temperature had dropped more than 10 degrees, and the wind was blasting away. If I'd brought tights I would have ridden anyway, but as it stood my legs would have frozen, so I turned around and drove back home. At least I managed to fill the gas tank on the way...
Hopefully tomorrow I will have more success at getting off my butt and outdoors than the walk to the store and back that I finally managed today.