Friday, July 08, 2016

2 Mile Walk at Mine Falls Park
Friday, July 8, 2016

My original plan was to ride the Nashua River Rail Trail between Nashua NH and Ayers MA before heading to my hotel... I've wanted to ride the trail for a couple of years now and opportunities to do so have always fallen through. Listening to my legs during the morning convinced me this was a poor idea - I've either ridden or run for the past 4 days, and tomorrow's race is going to be a struggle regardless. So I left the bike at home and decided to do a bit of walking instead, at Mine Falls Park in Nashua. I ran a race there back in 2012 and quite enjoyed the park, so I looked forward to a chance to walk through a bit of it at a more relaxed pace.

I walked the easy main path out along the ponds and then the canal, took the footbridge over the canal, and then took the slightly more rugged path along the opposite shore. Only 2 miles of the 5 that I ran 4 years ago, but still a nice time in a really sweet park. Don't know that I'll get up here for one of the Monday night races - I'm committed to 4 Mondays down in the 'Gunks until early August, and then there are two local races on Monday nights I'd like to get to as well - but who knows, maybe I can swing it and get finally get in a ride on the rail trail too.