Thursday, August 25, 2016

2 Mile Walk at Five Rivers
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Quads were grumbling a bit so I decided a day off was in order and headed over to Five Rivers for a walk. The new parking area is open and the old area is being re-done, and work proceeds on the new visitors center. Thanks to the rain I had the trails to myself... walked out along the the field to the small loop through the woods (where I saw my first red efts of the summer) and then back along the various ponds, which are very low (and in one case almost completely dried up.) Lots of frogs, which is always good to see. Startled a muskrat at one point, and two young deer at another. Other than the initial stretch of construction zone, it was very peaceful.

Until I got back to the car and found a flat tire, probably due to something it picked up in said construction zone. Sigh. Swapped on the spare but now I have to re-work my plans to head west so that I can get the flat fixed first. Aargh.