Friday, June 30, 2017

3.8 Mile Ride on the Larkin State Park Trail
Friday, June 30, 2017

Well, that was a very short ride, especially considering that it took me over an hour to get to the trailhead and back.

It was pretty clear there was a storm nearby, especially since it was raining very lightly when I started riding. But it was barely making it through the trees and was more refreshing than anything else.

At a little under 2 miles I came to a road crossing and it didn't look like the trail continued on the opposite side (though all the maps I've looked at since insist it does.) The storm was making things pretty dark, so I didn't want to hang around in the road looking for the trail and instead I headed back to the start. Good thing, too, because apparently a worst of the storm was coming in from that direction. I had disconcerting views of several impressive lightning strikes and with about a mile to go it started getting really noisy - I just barely got my rain jacket unpacked and one before the deluge started.

The last miles was interesting, between the very poor visibility and the several inches of water running down the trail, My legs and bike ended up pretty muddy...

So now the question is - do I want to try to ride some more of this trail tomorrow, after I run the Redding Rock n Roots 9k?