Monday, April 02, 2018

Monday, April 2, 2018

After my ride on the rail trail I stopped at the Bethlehem Shop Rite to pick up some things, and when I walked back out to my car I was surprised and excited to hear a familiar sound coming from the scrubby field next to the parking lot.

Yes indeed, that's the "peent", "peent", "peent" of a male woodcock trying to attract a mate. I heard him do a single flight while I was there, but by the time I had dug out my camera he was back to calling from the ground.

Here's a good article describing woodcocks and their incredible courtship displays that take place at dusk in the spring. I've been listening to these little guys for a number of years now (ever since I finally found out what that strange sound was coming from the scrub fields in the spring) and have even been fortunate enough to see woodcocks somewhat up close in the wild ( as well as flushing them on both trails in the pine bush and up at Thacher Park while running.) My hope is to someday be close enough to see one of the guys "strutting his stuff" though given the poor light conditions they prefer for courtship, that doesn't seem too likely.