Sunday, October 14, 2018

30.4 Mile Ride on the Mohawk Hudson Bike Path, the Erie Canalway Trail, the Mohawk Valley Gateway Overlook, & Through Riverlink Park
Sunday, October 14, 2018

I had been planning to either head to Monroe State Forest to run the Monroe Dunbar Brook course or to South Egremont to run the AT between there and Sheffield. Unfortunately today was expected to be the best (and most importantly, warmest) weather for the next week, so I ditched that plan and decided to put in miles on the bike instead.

The new section of trail between Pattersonville and Amsterdam was just as sweet now that it's officially open. I briefly thought about how cool it would be to go all the way to Fort Hunter but then did the math in my head - no way I have a 44 mile ride in my legs at this time (and probably not until after spring 2019, since we're heading into that part of the year where it is increasingly difficult to do longer rides.) But I did get to the Mohawk Valley Gateway Overlook park & Riverlink park before heading back east.