Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday, May 17, 2019

First of all, let me say the Cobra Kai Seasons 1 & 2 on YouTube Premium are incredibly awesome, and anyone who is a fan of the Karate Kid movies from the 80's and the 90's needs to see it. Had someone told me last year that I would pay $10 a month to YouTube I would have told them they were delusional, but after watching the two free episodes that started the first season I signed up immediately. My only gripes are the year or so wait between seasons (which are only 5 hours long) and the lack of physical media - I want these on disc so I can watch them without an internet connection (or in case some executive idiot decides these are no longer worth paying for or that they can make more money with their own streaming service - I'm looking squarely at you, Marvel/Netflix - and suddenly they disappear from YouTube's Premium platform.)

I rewatched Season 1 in the days before Season 2 dropped and this piece from episode 5 definitely spoke to me.

Some things this year have gone great, others not so much - I definitely need to find the balance to my life again, without losing the things that have been going really well.