Sunday, January 12, 2020

7.5 Mile Run at Mendon Ponds Park
Sunday, January 12, 2020

... because one of them talked about how the park folks decided to postpone all the Winterfest activities scheduled for today to a later, yet-to-be-determined date. (Yesterday's 60 degree temperatures were supposed to drop down to low 30's, accompanied by very strong winds. Overnight you could hear the wind howling outside.) Including the 8k snowshoe trail race (which may or may not be rescheduled, depending on what day the park picks, and which I may or may not be able to get to, depending on the same factor.)

Fortunately it was pretty obvious that the race wasn't happening (three cars in the lot at 9:30 and the lodge locked up tight) so instead I drove over to the beach lot and did a slightly longer (and probably much less hilly) run than the race would have been... though I did tackle a few of the race hills just so I could say I wasn't a total wimp.