Saturday, March 07, 2020

DO BETTER 2020 - Race #16
Tipperary Hill Shamrock Run 4mi Road Race
Saturday, March 7, 2020

This was race #1 of the 2020 Syrathon, which I've decided to do this year. There are eight races with distances from 5k to 10 miles; to complete the series, I have to run at least 26.2 miles worth of races, which will come down to either 5 or 6 races, depending on which ones I do.

I don't do many races that attract 3000 runners, so this was an "experience"... if I'd been trying to run  all out the whole time, it would have been frustrating, but I wasn't, so it wasn't too bad. And once I started running (it took 2.5 minutes to walk to the start line) I ran the whole thing, including the uphills, and it felt like I ran fairly well for the shape I'm currently in. And my knees are intact. So I'm considering this one a success.

One thing that never would have occurred to me was the unofficial alcohol stations (mainly beer, but rumor has it there was a whiskey station last year) along the course... in retrospect it's not surprising for a St Patrick's themed event, but as a non-drinker it's not the sort of thing I think about.

I wonder if anyone else saw the pair of bald eagles circling over us while we were waiting for the race to begin?

2020 Event Totals
Run 37.6 mi, 8 hr 56 min
Bike 0 mi, 0 hr 0 min

Snowshoe 28.5 mi, 8 hr 26 min
Kayak 0 mi, 0 hr 0 min

states visited: MA, NY