Saturday, June 17, 2023

Saturday, June 17, 2023

I've had a couple of races this year where I needed to be on the road by 5 am, and two weeks ago I had a 4 am departure... but today I need to be in the car and driving by 2 am, to get to Ithaca by around 5 am in time to park, pick up my race packet and goodies, and get on the bus to the start by 6 am or so. (To be clear, in many of these circumstances I could have left later had I been willing to pay $$$ for a hotel room closer to the race... so it's my own fault for being a cheapskate.)

On the plus side, this has been a somewhat exhausting week, so at least I was able to fall asleep when I went to bed at 7 pm-ish last night...

Anyway, time to get ready to leave!