Sunday, July 30, 2006

Riding Along the Genesee Riverway Trail
Sunday, July 30, 2006

Ann and I headed off for an easy ride today - down the canal path to Genesee Valley Park, along the west side of the river, and then back up the east side - at first it wasn't clear to me why she wanted to head toward the city, but when the trail was blocked by construction she admitted she'd been hoping to go to lunch at the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que. While that plan was squashed, we did get to see a white egret up fairly close. He was in the grass at one of the waterfront parks, clearly stalking something, then - BANG - his head darted out and he caught his prey. After watching him for a few minutes (and observing a couple of missed attempts) it became clear he was hunting grasshoppers!

Not the egret we saw, but it sure looks like him...

Too bad for the grasshoppers, but a very cool sight to see!