Thursday, August 02, 2007

6.2 Mile Run in the Albany Pine Bush
Thursday, August 2, 2007

No matter how much I tried, I just couldn't muster up any enthusiasm for a long run yesterday or today. And once I got out running today, it was tough to muster up enthusiasm for a run of any length. We've been very fortunate so far and had lots of cool, comfortable weather this summer... but August has arrived, bringing the heat and humidity that is unfortunately typical for this time of year.

At first, it felt cool and comfortable in the shade of the pine trees where I parked the car, especially after the half hour in the hot car to get there. Once I started running, it was amazing how fast cool and comfortable transformed into hot and sticky... though I did notice a definite difference between the shaded trails and the few open sections I had to run through.

I'd been hoping to run 8 miles or so, but in the end settled for a little over 6, and even with that drank all 40 oz of fluid I'd brought with me. I briefly considered going out tonight after dark, but decided against that because (1) it really hasn't cooled off much at all, and (2) my calves have been sore on and off today, so it's probably better to give my legs a break before the race on Saturday morning. With the Savoy 20 mile trail race in two weeks and the Adirondack marathon in 5 weeks, I'd really prefer not to end up injured!

I briefly ran along the power lines today, where almost two years ago the bushes and undergrowth were cut back to almost bare ground and now a field of white, pink, and purple wildflowers has bloomed... that alone was pretty cool, but watching the butterflies fluttering around among the flowers was even cooler.