Friday, November 30, 2007

Resting Up... or Becoming a Hutt?
Friday, November 30, 2007

Another week from hell - lots of work and little sleep, and no running since last Saturday.

I had been really looking forward to going for a run both Wednesday night (didn't happen - too much work) and tonight (didn't happen - I pretty much fell asleep as soon as I ate dinner.) So it goes, I guess.

On the positive side, my legs should be well-rested for Sunday's 10k trail run on the Leatherman's Loop course. I'm hoping to hike some of the other trails there (including one that goes to the Leatherman's cave) after the run, if the weather and my body cooperate.

Can't say as my body is all that well-rested overall, since I have several nights this week where I didn't get more than 3-4 hours of sleep. Gah.

And all this lack of exercise has me feeling like I'm quickly transforming into the certain well-know crime boss from the Galaxy Far, Far Away...

Next week - more running and riding!