Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hawley, MA to Albany, NY
(64 miles)
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Another drive that seemed to take much longer than I suspect it actually did. Of course, I was tired and somewhat hungry and continuing to make feeble efforts to fight off what will probably be a cold as this week progresses.

There were several places I would have liked to have stopped, but I passed them all by knowing that my legs were shot from 13.1 miles of hard snowshoe running this weekend... besides I wanted to get home and crawl into bed for a nap!

So am I glad I took this crazy journey this weekend? I don't know if glad is the right word, but I don't regret doing it. Having said that, I don't think I'd do it again... as much as I was sick of the driving last night, it's really no more than I'd do travelling to Rochester over the weekend, but the payoff just isn't there to make it worth driving an extra 7 hours to run a 5k snowshoe race. At least when I drive to Rochester I get to spend time with my sweetheart! Still, it was fun to run the inaugural race at Kingman Farm, and it was instructive to run my first night race (running a race at night is quite different from doing a training run at night!)

And I did find some parts of New England that I want to visit again, maybe during the summer, when I suspect the mountains of southern Vermont and New Hampshire will be even more beautiful.

But for now, some cold medicine and some sleep are in order.