Tuesday, June 03, 2008

15 Mile Ride on the Mohawk Hudson Bike Path
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Managed to squeeze in a quick ride on the bike path west of Schenectady tonight, before hustling over to the karate school to help grade a colored belt testing.

The weather held out for the entire ride - grey, hot, and humid, but no rain. I took my camera but only stopped once to shoot some pictures. On the way back, there was a dazed-looking catbird sitting in the middle of the path. I stopped, chased him off into the bushes next to the path before some punk kid came along and ran him down, and then snapped a couple of pictures of him.

Overall a good ride - I buzzed right along and managed to spin out 15 miles in slightly over an hour. With a little luck, a lot of determination, and the additional free time I'll have once school is through for the summer, I should manage to get back on a much more consistent running and riding schedule... with some paddling thrown in for good measure!