Friday, January 09, 2009

An Unexpected Nice Gesture
Friday, January 9, 2008

Covered class at the karate school tonight and when I arrived there I discovered that one of my headlights had burned out. So once things wrapped up I headed over to K-mart, paid an outrageous amount of money for a pair of new bulbs (if one goes I generally figure I'll probably be replacing the other soon too... to the bulb manufacturer's credit, these bulbs really do seem to be whiter and brighter than my old "standard" headlights) and spent a few minutes in the parking lot changing the dead bulb so I wouldn't be risking a ticket on the drive home.

The surprise came when I finished up and got in the car... a car pulled up a couple of spaces over, the driver rolled down the window, and asked if I'd managed to fix whatever the problem was , making sure I wouldn't be stranded in the parking lot on a fairly cold night.

I tend to be somewhat cynical about people in general... seems there's an awful lot of selfishness and general cluelessness these days (myself included at times!)... so it's always good to get a reminder that there are some darn decent folk out there who are looking out for the people around them. That's a nice thought to end the day on...