Saturday, February 07, 2009

6.2 Mile Run on the Mohawk Hudson Bike Path
Saturday, February 7, 2009

This was one of those weeks... between several evenings where I was totally beat by the time I got home and some bone-chillingly cold weather, I ended up being a lazy slug. So it was great to finally get out for a run this afternoon, even if it was on the Gerbil Wheel (aka the plowed section of the Mohawk Hudson Bike-Hike Trail in Nisakyuna.)

Unfortunately, even though the path was plowed it was still mostly covered with a layer of ice... I really should have worn my screw shoes! At least I'll know for next time. Fortunately I'm slow enough that I had no problem being careful. I also ran a short ways on the packed snow just past Lock 7, where the screw shoes would have been a great help... but if I'd had them I'm not sure I would have been able to resist the temptation to explore the trails at Mohawk River State Park, and that would have resulted in a run that was a lot longer and more challenging than would have been prudent after a week of inactivity (and with a snowshoe race on the calendar for tomorrow!)

I was pleased to see that even though I've done darn little running since January 1, the snowshoeing seems to have done a lot to maintain my base - other than the ice, running 6 miles today wasn't at all a struggle. If anything, it felt really good to be out running without anything on my feet other than shoes!