Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Solstice!
Monday, December 21, 2009

Considered the 1st day of winter here in the US and midwinter's day in many Celtic countries... and there's the whole pagan holiday thing as well... of course, in the southern hemisphere today is the summer solstice. How can one day mean so many things to so many different people?

I always harken back to the astronomical significance, which is that this is the day when orientation of the earth's axis tilts the northern hemisphere the furthest away from the Sun. This results in today having with the shortest amount of daylight of all days this year. As I was driving back to Albany I was pleased to hear noted NYS wildlife pathologist Ward Stone bring up the real reason I get excited about the winter solstice during this week's edition of his radio program In Our Backyard - from here on out the days will be getting longer and we're heading toward spring! And while I definitely don't want to cut winter short - there's only so many weeks of snowshoeing available already - I do love the thought of being able to go for a run or a ride after work in another two months without needing a headlamp.

So whatever your reason for appreciating today (or even if you have no reason at all) - happy solstice, everyone!