Friday, January 29, 2010

2 Mile Walk on the Mohawk Hudson Bike Path
Friday, January 29, 2009

My plan was to go take some pictures of the crazy ice along the Mohawk while there was still daylight and then go for a 4-5 mile run in the woods, but the walk to and from the car after work convinced me to bail on the run... while the air temperature was bearable, the windchill was absolutely brutal. I bundled up fairly well and split my walk on the bike path into two parts with a car ride to warm up in between - and I still felt like an icicle by the time I was done.

The ice and water look to have receded a bit since Wednesday but it was still pretty cool all the same... ice, ice everywhere. Didn't see the beavers from Wednesday night - they were either back snug in their lodge or waiting for dark to come out - but I saw a few trees with gnawed bark, so that explains what they've been eating. For the most part everything seemed to be hunkered down waiting out the artic blasts that blew through every few minutes... though there was a chickadee that came flying over at one point and perched in a tree nearby chattering away. I wonder if he was hoping I had some seeds with me?

On the way home the moon came up... full moon on a basically clear night, pure magic for a winter night run. But unfortunately it's just too freakin' cold for me to risk it. But there'll be other nights...