Saturday, April 09, 2011

2.3 Mile Walk at Ooms Conservation Area
Saturday, April 9, 2011

It was just too nice an afternoon to head back indoors, so I decided to stretch my legs a bit before going home and walk the very wet and rather muddy trails at Ooms Conservation Area. What a great day for birds! I watched swallows darting and swooping near the birdhouses just past the boardwalk, bluebirds in the trees up on the hill, and mergansers chasing each other on the pond. Plus a plethora of red-winged blackbirds and robins in a variety of locations.

Lots of folks fishing and walking too, though by the time I was done (no surprise, I was moving slowly) I was one of the few people left. The sun was starting to set by the time I got back to the car, and I was just starting to hear a woodcock calling off somewhere near the treeline on the far side of one of the fields...