Sunday, August 28, 2011

Rainy Day, Windy Day... Lazy Day...
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Woke up several times during the night feeling cold - a change that is both welcome (cooler weather! yeah!) and not-so-welcome (back to work in a little over a week... oh, well) - and also listening to the rain that was our version of Tropical Storm Irene battering the NYC/Long Island/New England coast. So I ended up staying in bed later than planned - I'm trying to get myself back on my normal work sleep schedule so next week won't be quite as much of a shock to my system.

I had thought to go for a run today (because riding in the rain sucks) but between the rain, the wind, and the chilly air blowing in through the windows just couldn't muster up any enthusiasm for heading outdoors. Instead I messed around on the computers, spent a lot of time reading (The Magician King, by Lev Grossman, for those who are curious about such things... best to read The Magicians first, I was glad I'd re-read it before starting the new book) and watched a movie (Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker, which I was annoyed to find was the censored version shown on television rather than the uncensored version I'd ordered.) What Ann referred to as a day spent relaxing and what I tend to refer to as my being lazy - since I probably should have dragged my backside out the door for a run, rain and all.