Monday, September 12, 2011

It Always Surprises Me...
Monday, September 12, 2011

... how much being back in the classroom tires me out initially.

The father of my karate student mentioned last week that all the teachers he knows talked about how much they dread the start of the school year. I guess I'm really lucky in that regards, because - that's not how I feel at all. Don't get me wrong - if someone was willing to pay me my salary to stay home and do whatever I want, I'd probably do it. But I like my job, I enjoy working with my students, and other than the inconveniences of getting up early in the morning and not being able to do whatever I want each day - I really don't mind being back in front of the classroom again.

But it always surprises me how much a job that doesn't involve any hard physical labor completely exhausts me for the first week or two. Came home this afternoon intending to get out on my bike for an easy ride, ate some dinner - and then fell asleep for a couple hours, at which point it was getting dark and I gave up on going anywhere for the evening.

So I'll be glad when I get used to being back to work again and getting outdoors at the end of the day isn't nearly as much of a struggle.