Thursday, March 28, 2013

What Should Be Easy...
Thursday, March 28, 2013

... is never easy.

Take my trip to Midas yesterday, for example. I needed to have my snow tires swapped for my all-seasons and a wheel noise diagnosed/repaired. Three hours later all the work was done, except for a wheel alignment... which took another three hours and included replacing a tie rod.

Or take loading photos into a blog post... with all the advances Blogger has made, that should be cake... except many of those advances are designed to automate layouts as much as possible, and with my somewhat antiquated template many of those end up looking lousy. I know, I could move to a newer template - but I have yet to find one I like as much as the original! So loading photos involves more steps than it might otherwise - and sometimes repeated attempts to get the automated stuff to do what I want it to, or something close. I think I edited my post about our flight to Hilo twenty or thirty times... before I finally gave up, deleted the photos, and reloaded them from scratch using the HTML view, then cut and paste the HTML codes to put them where I wanted them.

Then again, if these are the worst problems I have, I should probably be thankful instead of griping...