Tuesday, September 24, 2013

2.6 Mile Walk in the Pine Hills Neighborhood
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Today was better than yesterday, but I still needed to rest for quite a while after getting home from work, and had no desire to drive anywhere after that... so I took a roundabout route to and from the store. It was a gorgeous early fall evening, cool and breezy but not cold, and even peaceful when cars and trucks weren't roaring by. At one point I even heard some geese calling faintly from overhead, but there was too much light from the street to make them out against the night sky.

As much as I enjoyed walking tonight, it also reminded me of how much I miss not being able to go for a good run on a night like tonight...

I hacked up enough gunk today that my lungs are a bit less congested... maybe tomorrow I can get back to doing some YRG and some riding again.